Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Drunken Ramblings

Frustration!!! Utter, complete and total frustration. Just when I was about to publish my latest post, my computer died on me. And I refuse to do the editing again! So I have nothing to say any more.
As I nurse another drink, except for my loathing for technology there is no one here to keep me company. I do not say I am alone. I can at a glance count atleast five heads, and I'm sure that after two red labels and the perfunctory nature of my glance I missed a couple of them. But yet company is a different drink altogether. One that I'd surely trade for the next round of Johnnie Walkers.
Which brings me to why one drinks- for the warmth? or the dissolution of inhibitions? or the high? or simply just to belong somewhere? Well whatever your answer I still think trading drinks on the next round would give me all that and more.


  1. Dunno 'bout you... but I drink to avoid hangovers!

  2. Well said Sir Prithvi!! And yet I'd still trade drinks!!
